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اولین انجمن تخصصی سازه های فلزی و شاپ دراویینگ در ایران از سال 1389 تا کنون

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معرفی نرم افزار AutoNEST

ارسال های توصیه شده

izadpanah    45






AutoNEST V9 incorporates one single powerful nesting engine– NestPRO that maximizes stock usage and minimizes wastage. It is a low-cost and efficient tool for materials requirements planning and cutting plans production.


AutoNEST has contributed to both time and material savings for industries utilizing steel plates, sheet metal, wood for furniture and foam among others.


The software can run as an independent Windows application or as an integrated AutoCAD solution to handle a variety of nesting applications for Laser, Flame, Routing, Punching, Water-Jet, Wire cutting …etc.


Nesting Engine



True-shape nesting

Irregular stock nesting - with mark-outs

Resume-Nest or Continue-Nest

Multiple levels of Parts-In-Part

“Extended” nesting option

Parts / profiles


DXF or DWG files.

Part Priority for each Part

Filler Parts Quantity.

Parts with “lead-in” /“lead-out” /micro-joints /corner loops.

Able to distinguish cut profiles from details




Support Metric & Imperial / English units.

Reports include quantity /area /perimeter of Parts nested.

System Requirements


Windows 98, 2000, NT4.0, XP compatible PC

CAD with reads DXF files



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