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اولین انجمن تخصصی سازه های فلزی و شاپ دراویینگ در ایران از سال 1389 تا کنون

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معرفی نرم افزار StruM.I.S

ارسال های توصیه شده

izadpanah    45


نرم افزار StruM.I.S قابلیت کنترل و پایش کلیه قطعات یک سازه را در طول پروسه تولید و نصب دارد. انواع گزارشات مورد نیاز مدیریت و پرسنل را بصورت آنلاین ارائه مینماید. ضمناً از قابلیتهای بسیار مهم این نرم افزار، مجهز بودن به بخشی جهت برش و طراحی نحوه برش میباشد که کمک شایانی به کاهش پرت و اتلاف ورق و پروفیل و نهایتا هزینه ها مینماید.

در حقیقت این نرم افزار، نرم افزاری برای پایش فعالیتهای جاری در کارخانه اسکلت فلزی می باشد.


StruM.I.S - Steel Fabrication Management Software

A complete management information and production system for steelwork fabricators; to deliver efficiencies, increased productivity and traceability.


StruM.I.S is an all encompassing steel fabrication management information system that harnesses the information flow and work processes through the steelwork contract between departments, suppliers and clients; from estimate tendering, through procurement and production into construction.


StruM.I.S steel fabrication software is a system for the management of information for engineering and fabrication companies who are looking to implement a dedicated system to manage across all departments, including multiple sites.


Some of the key benefits include workflow and automation advantages leading to greater efficiencies, material and processing savings for greater profitability with enhanced productivity, and organizational benefits through process control for both quality and traceability.


StruM.I.S system modules include:


Enquiries and Estimating

Document Management

Customers and Sales

Items and Inventory Control

Purchasing and Suppliers

Contracts Management

QS Analysis

Production Control

Implementation of StruM.I.S, steel fabrication software, within your existing business environment is very important to us and we have developed advanced integration with the main steel modeling systems, CNC machinery manufacturers and accounting systems.


The StruM.I.S system is available in the following products; StruM.I.S enterprise, StruM.I.S fabricator, Essentials by StruM.I.S, StruM.I.S estimating and StruM.I.S supplier. These products are configured for different sizes or types of business.


StruM.I.S System Benefits

Integrates with 3rd party systems to complement existing workflows

Labor saving and error minimisation with significant time savings

Materials and waste reduction with greater process efficiencies

Greater profitability through cost reduction and increased productivity

Retention of acquired knowledge within business processes

Traceability and process control systems for quality management

Evolves and expands with a business, future proof providing continued ROI



یه نرم افزار دیگه هم توسط سازنده این نرم افزار به نام Essentials by StruM.I.S نیز تولید شده که توضیحات آن به شرح زیر است:


[align=left]A light steel fabrication management information and production system for Small to Medium (SME) sized engineering and steelwork fabrication companies who are looking to manage their business more effectively.



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